AI-powered food management. Launch, faster.
Create ease within your supply chain.

Integrate our software seamlessly into your workflow
Our AI-powered Operations Scientist will give you a step-by-step guide will show you how to easily incorporate our software into your existing workflow. Streamline your processes and make a positive impact on your bottom line.
Access to better data means better products.

Streamline operations and reduce waste with our innovative and eco-friendly software.

Increase your bottom line while making a positive impact on the environment.

Join our portfolio of clients

Our product has a significant positive impact on our customers' operations.
Better Products, Better Data
1.7 Billion Insights
Wealth of information used to improve products
2M Units Manufactured
Boosting product quantity and quality
40% Better Precision
More precise ingredient selection
78% Time Saving
Reduces time spent on R&D
Personalized product recommendations
Generated using complex data
Supply Chain Insights
Analyzed data for efficieny with up to 9,200 + suppliers
Unique Supplier Deal
Boosting revenue through innovative brokering
Versatile Needs
From serving marketing directors and supply chain leads to food scientists

Journey Foods is a one-stop-shop for data management during the product life cycle. We have seamless integrations with the tools and services you use in your work to provide actionable insights.